Haves and have nots

Society on Refuge is feudal, with the haves and have nots you’d expect in such a society.  The planet is huge and the population density low, so it doesn’t have the population pressures that medieval Europe had prior to the Black Death.  But it does have people living in servitude to overlords.


Rolling along….

Today was a great day for writing, other than the thunderstorms that rolled through about 2pm.  It rained like a bucket was pouring on my house.  In Colorado that’s a very good thing. I finished Chapter 7, turned Chapter 8 from a concept into something that will probably be even better with


Class IV gas giants

Refuge, the moon that Sarah Dayson finds and determines is the future for her fleet crew, is a living breathing world.  Much larger than Earth, it’s less dense and therefore the gravity isn’t too out of control.  1.16G is what the math tells me. Today I took the liberty of downloading a


The joys of owning an old car

I drive a 1989 Mercedes 560sl.  It is probably the best car I’ve ever owned, and I’ve owned a LOT of cars.  I’m a bit of a car junkie.  This car, however, is 24 years old, has 95,000 miles, and runs like a top.  The engine runs so smoothly you’d think it


Fire! Fire! Fire!

I live in a very safe area of the nation.  No tornadoes to speak of, no hurricanes, no earthquakes, no locust plagues.  Low crime, no nuclear plants nearby to melt down, no floods, no zombies (so far).  What we do seem to have in large amounts are fires.  Either from lightning strikes,



I have learned a LOT from my writing group.  One of the things I’ve learned is that there are two types of writers, Pantsers and Plotters.  A plotter writes outlines, a synopsis for each chapter, character outlines, scene outlines, etc.  A pantser is someone who sits down at a blank page and


Sarah Dayson

Sarah Dayson is a Captain.  Not just a Captain, but a fleet commander in the Alliance Navy, year 13,432 AD.  She is a result of wartime promotions.  The Alliance Fleet is currently being devastated by an enemy known as the Hive.  I’m not going to go into detail about what the Hive


Manual labor/Intellectual labor

I’m discovering as I get older that you can’t just simply sit at a desk writing, then expect to do something physical one day a month.  Not if you want to be able to continue to do physical things, anyway.  This week I built a chicken coop.  This involved hefting the wood,


Here we go again!

I have cold fusion feet.  But this particular type of fusion isn’t hydrogen/hydrogen, it’s nickel/hydrogen to copper.  I’ve not personally heard of this before, so my opinion is out until it’s either debunked as other cold fusion has pretty much been or it’s verified by peer reviewed papers and set on the


Pseudo Science

I had a lady try to sell me on a ‘cure all’ today.  It had a name that started with a “T”, but it wasn’t long into her spiel before she told me that this magic “T” cure all would cleanse the toxins from the chemtrails from my body.  I didn’t know