Author Archive


Final edits

Book 1 is written, and I’m printing it out chapter by chapter for final edits.  Once that’s done, the book is done and will be available to publishers, etc. I’d like to get an agent, so I don’t have to worry about the selling part.  I HATE selling.  We’ll see how that


So it grows…

I finished the original draft of the book, only to be told I need to start at an earlier point in time by one person and told not do that by another. Just to goof around I put together two earlier chapters and LOVED them, so I guess I’ll be lengthening the


Has it really been…

three weeks since I posted an entry?  Holy cow time flies. Here’s what’s going on. Book 1 is in final revision.  I am printing two versions for submission, the difference is where the book starts.  One starts with Sarah Dayson losing her family, the other starts the night before the battle that


Those moments that push you onward…

I went to a critique on Wednesday, the montly Pikes Peak Writers critique.  Darby Karchut (forgive me if I spell the name wrong) was there to review the submissions.  She said very good things about my writing, which is, once in a while, exactly what a writer needs to push them to


The flu

I’ve had the flu since 12/26/13.  I’m FINALLY at the end of the tunnel, I think, and can see the light.  I hope. It’s a great diet plan, but wow, it’s hard on every other aspect of your life.  I’ve lost 20 pounds.  I haven’t written a thing.  That will probably change


Merry Christmas!

Or whatever holiday salutation you prefer.  So few posts, so much going on.  But it was important to drop in and with the two people who would read this Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Feliz Navidad, Happy Hannukah, etc etc. I hope all is well.



I have book 1 out being read by beta readers. I am outlining book 2. I’ve discovered that to write a book, I need to hit critical mass. Sort of like a uranium stack, if I reach critical mass the right reactions happen.  After book 1 I really just wanted to be



Sorry for the lack of a post, during the holiday season the posting may be limited.  Family stuff, shopping I don’t want to really do, etc.  My mood improves with the new year, as an introvert I find December to be a month of incredible stress and very tiring. It’s snowing outside. 



I got the Lulu books in yesterday, and I am very pleased with them.  The quality and utility are exactly what I wanted for books that will be marked up and revised. So hopefully that process can get started, and the book can get on the final road to being done. I



Lulu: Self publishing and book printing. I had the first four copies of On the Shores of a Dark Sea printed there today.  Full color covers, double spaced for my beta readers to mark in, and coil bound on 8.5×11 paper. If anyone else is thinking of getting something printed there, make