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A few days ago it was 74F.  Today, not so much. And, I just looked, it’s not supposed to get above 50F again until May 3rd. In fact, on a few days, there is a forecast of a rain/snow mix. Maybe Mother Nature didn’t get the memo I sent her about going


Preparing for a summer of fun… and writing

Life can’t be all work and no play. I got my ATV back from the Tracker Marine repair shop last week. They replaced the glow plugs. That’s right. Glow plugs. It’s an Arctic Cat 700 diesel. I have a few changes of my own to make before things are done, and it’s


CleanTalk… how to keep the wankers off your page.

I wish my blog was full of visitors. And it could be… if I wanted those visitors to be hawking porn sites, cheap clothes, $10,000 a month jobs from homes… and who knows what else. I don’t want that. Those aren’t even real people, many times it’s just a bot out there



I’ve always been a strong skeptic of DARK MATTER! theories. A non-believer, if you will, probably because skepticism is my base state. The original “discovery” of DARK MATTER! was because the stars of the Milky Way don’t rotate around the galactic center properly. The stars out toward what we thought to be


Leave it all behind. Especially politics.

Whatever you have going on in your life, every four years it’s interrupted by the biggest collection of idiots you’ve ever seen… until the next four year cycle comes around. They do seem to top themselves every election cycle. But why care? There is nothing we can do about it as individuals


Serum is released!

So Serum is out there, in the world, hopefully walking on it’s own and making new friends. Serum: A Political Thriller on Amazon As soon as Amazon approves my request, I’ll be conducting a giveaway for 6 books. So look for that to be posted here with a link. I’m going to


Serum, my next book

Serum, my next book to be released, is almost done. But what about Renegades, you ask? Renegades is also almost done, but I don’t want to release two books at once. So probably by the end of April Serum will be released. At this time I’m planning on releasing Renegades sometime in


A or N is available.

Looks like we finally wrestled the Amazon monster to the ground. No, I’m not talking about Wonder Woman and Snoo Snoo. All or Nothing is available on Amazon, and the page is working. An epic struggle, for sure, but one that we hope will pay off in fame and noteriety. 🙂 All


Amazon is a nightmare

My wife and I have incorporated to sell our game. We’ve bought a UPC for our company. We’ve registered with the State of Colorado and we’ve got our product in local stores. We chose Amazon as our preferred vendor. The biggest part of our plan, in fact, was to sell on Amazon.


A reminder and an addition

At 6pm today, The Anvil of Dust and Stars goes on sale for $.99.  In the UK it will be on sale Friday the 5th for £.99 Both sales are for a week. The Anvil of Dust and Stars – USA version The Anvil of Dust and Stars – UK version