Author Posts Archive



Lulu: Self publishing and book printing. I had the first four copies of On the Shores of a Dark Sea printed there today.  Full color covers, double spaced for my beta readers to mark in, and coil bound on 8.5×11 paper. If anyone else is thinking of getting something printed there, make


Busy wife, busy life

I’m rapidly discovering that when my wife is busy, I’m busier than I like to be.  Ideally I’d like time to write, ponder or create art, work on the occasional car, and/or plot to take over the world. Marriage is more than a sharing of space, it’s a sharing of atmosphere, of



Due to Nanowrimo there will probably be fewer blog entries than usual. If I’ve been doing this long enough to have a usual yet. So for now, to hold you over, I introduce you to the IFLS site.  Not the nicest way to put it, but indeed, I do F love science.


Book 2: Part 2

I have started on Book 2, I’m about 6,000 words in.  I’ve written four chapters, any of which could probably be the first chapter, but I have one in particular of which I am fond.  The character I’ve created to oppose Sarah Dayson in book 2 will be vile, a user, and


Book 2: Legacy

I’ve decided to set Book 1 aside for a few week to a month.  When I come back to it, I won’t have the close attachment to it I do now and will better catch any remaining errors. So what to do?  Start book 2, of course.  Working title is “Legacy”. I’m



I finished the second rewrite of my book, and that’s exciting right?  I should want to get right into editing on the third pass, right? Nope. I’m spending my weekend doing anything BUT writing.  I’m thinking about driving to Denver to go to the computer store there.  I’m thinking about going to


6 days?

Has it really been six days since my last entry? That’s because I have been BUSY! I took my daughter to a drama lab last night, it was awesome.  I was really impressed with her participation in a group that was older than her. She jumped right in and read her parts


Writing romance

Writing anything mushy, romantic, lovey-dovey, erotic… I’ve never done it before. Tonight I rewrote my Chapter 36, totally changing it from a meeting of two officers who discuss recent events to a meeting of two officers who get down and get busy. I have no idea if it’s good or not, I


Getting older…

I’m having heart tests done.  My cholesterol is, according to the doctors office I just talked too, “troublesome”.  I’m not sure what that means, but hey, I’ve spent a lifetime being trouble. Not least of all for myself. But I find the indignity of growing older to be the most troublesome of


Some science in the science fiction

I will, of course, try to explain more as time passes of the science that I’m putting in my books.  There are some liberties, but I do try to stick to the science as much as possible. Here are a couple of examples.  This is a link to a paper that discusses